De Karanganjar Koffieplantage is one of the oldest coffee plantations, established since 1874. For decades, this Plantation was managed by a Dutch company, until in 1957, President Sukarno nationalized state assets managed by foreign companies.
In 1960, for the first time, this Plantation was officially managed by a local company called PT. Harta Mulia, which was founded by Denny Roeshadi. This coffee plantation has been managed by the Roeshadi Family for three generations until now.
Located on the slopes of Mount Kelud, this coffee plantation is situated at an altitude of 475-650 meters, making it suitable for growing robusta coffee as the main commodity, as well as a small amount of excelsa coffee. As a complementary commodity, there are also cloves and durian plants. De Karanganjar Koffieplantage also controls the coffee business from upstream to downstream, starting from the coffee plants themselves to packaged products with the brand "De Karanganjar Koffie."
With its historical potential, in 2017, the management opened De Karanganjar Koffieplantage as a tourist destination with the brand "De Karanganjar," also known as "Keboen Kopi Karanganjar."