Pernah dengar kopi termahal di dunia? Bukan sekadar kopi biasa, kopi ini berasal dari proses yang unik dan sedikit… menjijikkan. Namanya kopi luwak. Apa Itu Kopi Luwak? Kopi luwak adalah kopi yang d
De Karanganjar Koffieplantage, Destinasi Favorit Influencer
Melalui pesatnya arus informasi dan kemudahan akses teknologi, kita sering kali terjebak dalam rutinitas yang monoton. Namun, pernahkah kamu merasakan dorongan untuk menjelajahi sesuatu yang baru? Bay
DeKa Voice 2024: Ajang Bakat Musik untuk Generasi Muda Blitar
Siapa bilang anak-anak SMP/MTs hingga SMA/SMK hanya jago nge-game atau bikin konten TikTok? DeKa Voice Season 2, yang digelar pada Oktober 2024, sukses membuktikan bahwa generasi muda Blitar punya bak
Rahasia Nikmati Kopi untuk Si Lambung Sensitif
Siapa yang bisa menolak aroma kopi yang menggoda? Dari pagi hingga malam, secangkir kopi sering kali menjadi teman setia dalam menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari. Namun, bagi sebagian orang, terutama mer
Pusat Kuliner dan Blitar City Walk: Magnet Baru bagi Wisatawan di Kota Bung Karno
Seperti halnya Malioboro di Yogyakarta, Blitar juga memiliki daya tarik tersendiri yang patut untuk dieksplorasi. Dalam upaya mengembangkan pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif, Pemerintah Kota Blitar melak
COFFEE - The Drink Against the Establishment
Written on 11 March 2022 By : Wima Brahmantya If tea is the symbol of royalty, then coffee is the symbol of anti-royalty. For centuries tea has been the "royal symbol", the favourite drink of the royalty.
First Impressions of Papaya Tree for Jaga Nusantara
Written on 3 April 2020 By : Wima Brahmantya A few months ago I suddenly wanted to plant papaya in one of the plots in our plantation. I just got the answer now. Available at
The Terrible Challenges of the Creator World
Written on 26 January 2024 By: Wima Brahmantya The "terrible challenge" for content creators today, especially those who are new, is no longer about the quality of the content, or the tricks to make content m
Painting "Bung Karno Pensive"
Written on 12 April 2022 By: Wima Brahmantya Time goes by.. The hatred has not faded.. The victims have fallen.. While the people's lives are getting harder.. And you guys.. Still sa
Blitar City Tour with Bule
Written on 13 May 2022 By : Wima Brahmantya One of the programmes we give to international interns is a one-day "Blitar City Tour". The destinations are Penataran Temple, M
Mysterious Sounds from an Old Piano
Written on 22 January 2021 By : Wima Brahmantya "PIANONYA BUNKS ITS OWN WHEN IT'S MIDNIGHT!" That's the confession of the night watch security in the past month. Yes, it can't be avoided
Behind the Scenes of Cross Culture Content Over Coffee
Written on 3 January 2024 By : Wima Brahmantya In anything, consistency is one of the keys to success. Managing a YouTube channel is no exception, which is not as easy as it sounds.